Liste de verbes
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Voici les verbes les plus fréquents classés par ordre alphabétique. Cliquez sur le verbe pour voir sa conjugaison.
Verbes en A
to abandon - to abase - to abate - to abbreviate - to abdicate - to abduct - to abet - to abhor - to abide - to abjure - to ablate - to abnegate - to abolish - to abominate - to abort - to abound - to abrade - to abridge - to abrogate - to abscise - to abscond - to abseil - to absolutise - to absolutize - to absolve - to absorb - to absquatulate - to abstain - to abuse - to abut - to accede - to accelerate - to accent - to accentuate - to accept - to access - to accession - to accessorise - to accessorize - to acclaim - to acclimate - to acclimatise - to acclimatize - to accommodate - to accompany - to accomplish - to accord - to accost - to account - to accouter - to accoutre - to accredit - to accrete - to accrue - to acculturate - to accumulate - to accuse - to accustom - to acerbate - to acetify - to acetylate - to ache - to achieve - to acidify - to acidulate - to acknowledge - to acquaint - to acquiesce - to acquire - to acquit - to act - to activate - to actualise - to actualize - to actuate - to ad-lib - to adapt - to add - to addict - to addle - to address - to adduce - to adduct - to adhere - to adjoin - to adjourn - to adjudge - to adjudicate - to adjure - to adjust - to administer - to administrate - to admire - to admit - to admix - to admonish - to adopt - to adore - to adorn - to adulate - to adulterate - to adumbrate - to advance - to advantage - to adventure - to advert - to advertise - to advise - to advocate - to aerate - to aestivate - to affect - to affiance - to affiliate - to affirm - to affix - to afflict - to afford - to afforest - to affricate - to affright - to affront - to age - to agglomerate - to agglutinate - to aggrade - to aggrandise - to aggrandize - to aggravate - to aggregate - to aggress - to aggrieve - to agitate - to agonise - to agonize - to agree - to aid - to ail - to aim - to air-condition - to air-cool - to air-drop - to air-ship - to akylate - to alarm - to alchemise - to alchemize - to alert - to alienate - to alight - to align - to allay - to allege - to allegorise - to allegorize - to alleviate - to allocate - to allot - to allow - to alloy - to allure - to ally - to alphabetise - to alphabetize - to alter - to altercate - to alternate - to amalgamate - to amass - to amaze - to amble - to ambulate - to ambuscade - to ambush - to ameliorate - to amend - to amerce - to americanise - to americanize - to ammoniate - to ammonify - to amortise - to amortize - to amount - to amplify - to amputate - to amuse - to anagram - to analogise - to analogize - to analyze - to anathematise - to anathematize - to anatomise - to anatomize - to anesthetise - to anesthetize - to anger - to angle - to anguish - to animadvert - to animate - to ankylose - to anneal - to annex - to annihilate - to annotate - to announce - to annoy - to annualise - to annualize - to annul - to annunciate - to anodise - to anodize - to anoint - to answer - to antagonise - to antagonize - to ante - to antecede - to antedate - to anthologise - to anthologize - to anticipate - to antidote - to antiquate - to antique - to ape - to aphorise - to aphorize - to apologise - to apologize - to apostatise - to apostatize - to apostrophise - to apostrophize - to apotheosise - to apotheosize - to appall - to apparel - to appeal - to appear - to appease - to append - to apperceive - to appertain - to applaud - to apple-polish - to apply - to appoint - to apportion - to appraise - to appreciate - to apprehend - to apprentice - to apprise - to approach - to approbate - to appropriate - to approve - to approximate - to aprise - to aprize - to aquaplane - to arabicise - to arabicize - to arabise - to arabize - to arbitrage - to arbitrate - to arc - to arch - to archive - to argue - to argufy - to arise - to arm - to armor - to arraign - to arrange - to array - to arrest - to arrive - to arrogate - to arrow - to article - to articulate - to ascend - to ascertain - to ascribe - to ask - to asperse - to asphyxiate - to aspire - to assail - to assassinate - to assault - to assay - to assemble - to assent - to assert - to assess - to asseverate - to assign - to assimilate - to assist - to associate - to assoil - to assort - to assuage - to assume - to assure - to astonish - to astound - to atomise - to atomize - to atone - to atrophy - to attach - to attack - to attain - to attaint - to attempt - to attend - to attenuate - to attest - to attire - to attorn - to attract - to attribute - to attrite - to attune - to auction - to audit - to audition - to augment - to augur - to authenticate - to author - to authorise - to authorize - to autograph - to autolyze - to automate - to automatise - to automatize - to autopsy - to avail - to avalanche - to avenge - to aver - to average - to avert - to aviate - to avoid - to avouch - to avulse - to await - to awake - to awaken - to award - to awe -
Verbes en B
to babarise - to babarize - to babble - to babyproof - to babysit - to back - to backbite - to backcheck - to backcross - to backdate - to backfire - to backfit - to backflip - to background - to backhand - to backlight - to backlist - to backload - to backlog - to backorder - to backpack - to backpedal - to backslide - to backsolve - to backspace - to backstitch - to backstop - to backstroke - to backtrack - to bacterise - to bacterize - to badge - to badger - to badinage - to badmouth - to baffle - to bag - to bail - to bait - to bake - to balance - to bald - to bale - to balk - to ball - to ballast - to balloon - to ballot - to ballyhoo - to ban - to band - to bandy - to bang - to banish - to bank - to bankroll - to bankrupt - to banquet - to banter - to baptise - to baptize - to bar - to barb - to barbeque - to barber - to bard - to bare - to bareface - to bargain - to barge - to barhop - to bark - to barmitzvah - to barn - to barnstorm - to barrack - to barrage - to barrel - to barricade - to barter - to base - to bash - to bask - to bastardise - to bastardize - to baste - to bat - to batch - to bathe - to batten - to batter - to battle - to bawl - to bay - to bayonet - to be - to beach - to beacon - to bead - to beam - to bean - to bear - to beard - to beat - to bechance - to become - to bed - to bedaub - to bedazzle - to bedeck - to bedevil - to bedew - to bedight - to bedim - to bedizen - to bedraggle - to beef - to beep - to beetle - to befall - to befit - to befog - to befool - to befoul - to befriend - to befuddle - to beg - to beget - to beggar - to begin - to begird - to begone - to begrime - to begrudge - to beguile - to behave - to behead - to behold - to behoove - to belabor - to belay - to belch - to beleaguer - to belie - to believe - to belittle - to bell - to bellow - to belly - to bellyflop - to belong - to belt - to bemire - to bemoan - to bench - to benchpress - to bend - to benefice - to benefit - to benumb - to bequeath - to berate - to bereave - to berry - to beseech - to beseem - to beset - to beshrew - to besiege - to besmear - to besmirch - to besot - to bespatter - to bespeak - to best - to bestead - to bestir - to bestow - to bestrew - to bestride - to bet - to betake - to bethink - to betide - to betoken - to betray - to betroth - to better - to bevel - to bewail - to beware - to bewilder - to bewitch - to bewray - to bias - to bib - to bicker - to bicycle - to bid - to bide - to bifurcate - to bike - to bilge - to bilk - to bill - to billboard - to billet - to billow - to bin - to bind - to binge - to bioassay - to bird-dog - to birdie - to birdlime - to birl - to birth - to bisect - to bit - to bitch - to bite - to bitt - to bitter - to bituminise - to bituminize - to bivouac - to blab - to blabber - to black - to blacken - to blackguard - to blackjack - to blacklist - to blackmail - to blackmarket - to blacktop - to blame - to blanch - to blank - to blanket - to blare - to blaspheme - to blast - to blat - to blaze - to blazon - to bleach - to blear - to bleat - to bleed - to bleep - to blench - to blend - to bless - to blight - to blind - to blindfold - to blindside - to bling - to blink - to blinker - to blip - to bliss - to blister - to blither - to blitz - to bloat - to blob - to blockbust - to blood - to bloody - to bloom - to bloop - to blossom - to bloster - to blot - to blotch - to bloviate - to blow - to blubber - to bludgeon - to blue - to blueprint - to bluff - to blunder - to blunt - to blur - to blurb - to blurt - to blush - to bluster - to board - to boast - to bob - to bobbie - to bobsled - to bode - to body - to body-surf - to bodyguard - to bodysearch - to bog - to bogey - to boggle - to boil - to bollix - to bolt - to bomb - to bombard - to bombinate - to bombproof - to bond - to bone - to bonnet - to boo - to boo-hoo - to boogie - to book - to boom - to boon-doggle - to boost - to boot - to bootleg - to bootlick - to bootstrap - to booze - to bop - to bore - to bork - to borrow - to boss - to botanise - to botanize - to botch - to bother - to bottle - to bottleneck - to bottom - to bounce - to bound - to bourgeon - to bout - to bow - to bowel - to bowl - to box - to boycott - to brabble - to brace - to brachiate - to bracket - to brad - to brag - to braid - to brail - to brainstorm - to brainwash - to braise - to brake - to branch - to brand - to brandish - to brattle - to brave - to brawl - to bray - to braze - to breach - to bread - to break - to break-dance - to breakfast - to breast-feed - to breathe - to breed - to breeze - to brevet - to brew - to bribe - to brick - to bridge - to bridle - to brief - to brighten - to brim - to brine - to bring - to bristle - to brittle - to broach - to broadcast - to broaden - to broadside - to brocade - to broil - to bromate - to bronze - to brook - to browbeat - to brown - to brown-nose - to browse - to bruise - to bruit - to brush - to brutalise - to brutalize - to brux - to bs - to bubble - to buck - to bucket - to buckle - to bud - to buddy - to budge - to budget - to buffet - to bug - to buggar - to bugle - to build - to bulge - to bulk - to bull - to bulldog - to bulldoze - to bulletproof - to bully - to bullyrag - to bulwark - to bum - to bum-rush - to bumble - to bump - to bunch - to bundle - to bung - to bungle - to bunk - to bunker - to bunko - to bunt - to buoy - to bur - to burble - to burden - to burgeon - to burglarise - to burglarize - to burgle - to burke - to burl - to burlesque - to burn - to burnish - to burp - to burr - to burrow - to burst - to bury - to bus - to bush - to bushwack - to busk - to bust - to bustle - to busy - to butt - to butterfly - to button - to buttonhole - to butylate - to buy - to buzz - to bypass -
Verbes en C
to cab - to cabal - to cabin - to cable - to cablecast - to cache - to cachinnate - to cackle - to caddy - to cadence - to cadge - to cage - to cajole - to cake - to cakewalk - to calcify - to calcimine - to calcine - to calculate - to calendar - to calender - to calibrate - to caliper - to calk - to call - to callous - to callus - to calm - to calque - to calumniate - to calve - to camber - to camouflage - to camp - to campaign - to can - to canal - to canalise - to canalize - to cancel - to candle - to candy - to cane - to canker - to cannibalise - to cannibalize - to cannon - to cannonade - to canoe - to canonise - to canonize - to canopy - to cant - to canter - to cantilever - to canvass - to capture - to carry - to carve - to cash - to cast - to catch - to caution - to celebrate - to change - to chapter - to characterize - to charge - to chasten - to chatter - to cheat - to check - to cheer - to chirp - to chock - to choir - to choke - to chop - to chow - to circle - to claim - to clatter - to clean - to clear - to click - to climb - to cling - to clone - to coast - to coffer - to coincide - to collect - to collide - to combat - to combine - to come - to comfort - to command - to commandeer - to commence - to comment - to commit - to communicate - to compare - to compel - to compensate - to compile - to complain - to complete - to compress - to compute - to concern - to conclude - to condition - to conduct - to cone - to confer - to confirm - to confiscate - to congratulate - to conjugate - to connect - to consider - to consist - to consult - to contact - to contain - to contaminate - to contend - to contest - to continue - to contribute - to control - to convey - to convict - to convince - to coo - to cook - to copy - to correct - to corrupt - to cost - to cough - to count - to couple - to cover - to covet - to crab - to crash - to crawl - to create - to credit - to creep - to criticize - to crook - to cross - to crown - to cry - to cultivate - to curb - to cure - to curl - to customize - to cut - to cycle -
Verbes en D
to dam - to damage - to dance - to dare - to date - to deaden - to deal - to debit - to decay - to decide - to declare - to declaw - to decommission - to decorate - to decree - to decrypt - to dedicate - to deem - to defeat - to defend - to define - to deform - to defy - to delay - to delete - to deliver - to demand - to demit - to demonstrate - to den - to deny - to deploy - to deposit - to derive - to descend - to describe - to desert - to deserve - to design - to designate - to desire - to destroy - to detail - to detain - to determinate - to determine - to detest - to develop - to devil - to devolve - to devote - to dial - to dictate - to die - to differ - to dig - to dine - to direct - to disagree - to disappear - to disappoint - to disapprove - to discard - to discharge - to disconnect - to discover - to discuss - to disgust - to dislike - to dismiss - to display - to distinguish - to distribute - to disturb - to dive - to diverge - to divide - to divorce - to do - to dog - to donate - to doom - to dot - to double - to doubt - to down - to download - to draft - to drag - to draw - to dream - to dress - to drink - to drive - to drop - to drown - to dry - to dull - to dwell - to dye -
Verbes en E
to ear - to earn - to eat - to echo - to edge - to educate - to effectuate - to egress - to elect - to elude - to emcee - to enable - to encompass - to encounter - to encourage - to end - to endeavor - to endure - to engage - to enjoy - to enrich - to ensure - to entail - to enter - to entertain - to entitle - to enure - to envisage - to envy - to equal - to escalate - to escape - to establish - to etch - to evacuate - to evaluate - to evolve - to exaggerate - to examine - to exchange - to excite - to exclaim - to exclude - to execute - to exhaust - to exist - to expect - to explain - to explode - to exploit - to explore - to express - to extend - to extract -
Verbes en F
to face - to fail - to faint - to fair - to fall - to fascinate - to fast - to fasten - to fault - to fear - to feast - to feed - to feel - to fell - to fend - to fight - to fill - to film - to finalize - to find - to fine - to finish - to fire - to fish - to fit - to fix - to flag - to flap - to flee - to fleer - to flight - to flirt - to float - to flock - to flood - to flow - to flush - to fluster - to fly - to focus - to fold - to follow - to forbid - to force - to forecast - to foresee - to forest - to forget - to forgive - to form - to forward - to found - to founder - to free - to freeze - to frighten - to frock - to frog - to fulfill - to full - to fund - to furnish -
Verbes en G
to gab - to gain - to gallicize - to garden - to gather - to generate - to get - to gift - to giggle - to give - to glad - to go - to goad - to google - to govern - to grab - to grade - to graduate - to grant - to greet - to grind - to grit - to grope - to grow - to growl - to guarantee - to guess - to guide -
Verbes en H
to hand - to handle - to hang - to happen - to harm - to hate - to have - to haven - to head - to hear - to heart - to heat - to hello - to help - to hesitate - to hew - to hice - to hide - to hie - to highlight - to hijack - to hint - to hit - to hold - to hollow - to honor - to hoop - to hop - to hope - to hospitalize - to host - to hug - to humiliate - to hunt - to hurry - to hurt -
Verbes en I
to identify - to im - to imagine - to imitate - to implement - to imply - to import - to impress - to imprison - to improve - to incline - to include - to incur - to index - to indicate - to infer - to inflate - to influence - to inform - to initialize - to inject - to input - to insert - to insist - to install - to insure - to intend - to intensify - to interest - to interfere - to interpret - to interview - to intreat - to introduce - to invade - to invent - to invert - to invest - to investigate - to invite - to involve - to iron - to isle - to issue -
Verbes en J
to jail - to japan - to jar - to jaunt - to jeer - to jest - to job - to jog - to join - to joke - to judge - to jump - to just - to justify -
Verbes en K
to kayak - to keen - to keep - to kick - to kidnap - to kill - to kiss - to kit - to knit - to knock - to know - to ko -
Verbes en L
to label - to lack - to lam - to lame - to land - to last - to laugh - to launch - to launder - to lave - to lay - to leach - to lead - to leak - to lean - to leap - to learn - to leave - to lecher - to lend - to lengthen - to lessen - to lesson - to let - to level - to lever - to lie - to lift - to light - to like - to limit - to list - to listen - to live - to liven - to load - to loan - to locate - to lock - to loco - to lodge - to log - to loo - to look - to loot - to lot - to love - to lubricate - to lunch -
Verbes en M
to mad - to mail - to maim - to make - to man - to manage - to manipulate - to manufacture - to mar - to mark - to market - to marry - to mast - to master - to mat - to match - to matter - to mean - to measure - to meet - to melt - to menace - to mend - to mention - to mess - to mike - to mind - to miss - to misspell - to mistake - to mistreat - to misunderstand - to mix - to mock - to model - to modify - to monger - to monitor - to mosh - to moss - to motivate - to mount - to move - to mow - to muss - to must -
Verbes en N
to nail - to name - to need - to negative - to neglect - to neigh - to net - to nicker - to note - to notice -
Verbes en O
to obey - to observe - to obtain - to occupy - to occur - to offer - to oil - to omit - to open - to operate - to ordain - to order - to organize - to orient - to out - to outmatch - to over - to overdo - to overfill - to overhang - to oversleep - to overtake - to owe - to own -
Verbes en P
to paint - to palter - to paper - to parameterize - to park - to participate - to party - to pass - to paste - to pay - to pedal - to peddle - to peel - to pen - to perform - to permit - to persist - to pet - to phone - to photograph - to pick - to picnic - to pilot - to ping - to pirate - to place - to plan - to plane - to planish - to play - to plead - to pledge - to plink - to plot - to plug - to plunge - to pocket - to pod - to point - to polish - to pollute - to poop - to portage - to position - to possess - to post - to postpone - to pot - to pour - to power - to practice - to pray - to premier - to prepare - to present - to preserve - to press - to prevent - to prick - to privilege - to proceed - to process - to produce - to profit - to program - to progress - to promo - to promote - to prompt - to proof - to protect - to prove - to provide - to provoke - to publish - to pull - to punish - to purify - to pursue - to push - to put -
Verbes en Q
to qualify - to quarrel - to query - to question - to quit -
Verbes en R
to rage - to raid - to rain - to ramp - to range - to rank - to rap - to rape - to rat - to rate - to reach - to read - to ready - to realise - to realize - to really - to rear - to rearrange - to rebel - to rebuild - to receipt - to receive - to recognize - to recommend - to reconcile - to reconstruct - to record - to recover - to redirect - to redo - to redress - to reduce - to reed - to refer - to refill - to refine - to refit - to refresh - to refuel - to refund - to refute - to regain - to regard - to register - to regress - to regret - to regulate - to relaunch - to relax - to relearn - to relent - to relive - to relocate - to remain - to remark - to remarry - to remember - to remind - to remove - to rent - to repaint - to repair - to repeat - to repine - to replace - to reply - to report - to represent - to reproach - to request - to require - to resemble - to reserve - to reset - to resign - to resist - to resolve - to respect - to respond - to rest - to restart - to restore - to result - to resume - to retain - to retire - to retrofit - to return - to reunify - to reveal - to revert - to review - to revolve - to reward - to rid - to ride - to right - to ring - to ripen - to risk - to roam - to roar - to roll - to rot - to row - to rub - to run - to rush -
Verbes en S
to saber - to sacrifice - to sail - to sanction - to sate - to satisfy - to save - to saw - to say - to scale - to scan - to scare - to scent - to scold - to scope - to score - to scream - to scribe - to scroll - to seal - to search - to seat - to secure - to see - to seed - to seek - to seem - to seine - to select - to sell - to send - to separate - to serve - to set - to settle - to sew - to shake - to shame - to shape - to share - to shave - to shed - to shift - to shine - to ship - to shit - to shock - to shoehorn - to shoo - to shoot - to shop - to short - to shout - to shove - to shovel - to show - to shrill - to shrink - to shut - to sigh - to sightsee - to sign - to simmer - to sin - to sing - to sink - to sip - to sire - to sit - to site - to situate - to sketch - to ski - to skid - to skip - to slay - to sleep - to slice - to slide - to slim - to slip - to slit - to slow - to slumber - to smell - to smile - to smoke - to snake - to snap - to snore - to snow - to solder - to sole - to solicit - to solve - to sort - to sortie - to sough - to span - to speak - to specialize - to spell - to spend - to spike - to spill - to spin - to spindle - to spit - to splatter - to split - to spoke - to spoor - to spot - to sprawl - to spray - to spread - to spring - to spy - to stack - to stain - to stake - to stale - to stand - to staple - to star - to stare - to start - to starve - to state - to stay - to steal - to step - to stick - to still - to sting - to stipulate - to stir - to stock - to stop - to store - to strap - to strengthen - to stretch - to strike - to stripe - to strive - to stroke - to stroll - to strut - to study - to stuff - to stupefy - to subject - to submit - to succeed - to suck - to suffer - to suggest - to suit - to sum - to sunbathe - to supersede - to supply - to support - to suppress - to surcharge - to surname - to surpass - to surrender - to surround - to survey - to survive - to suspect - to swap - to sway - to swear - to sweep - to swell - to swerve - to swim - to swing - to switch -
Verbes en T
to tabby - to tabernacle - to table - to take - to talk - to tally - to tame - to tangle - to tap - to tape - to task - to taste - to teach - to tear - to teem - to telephone - to tell - to tend - to tenter - to terrify - to test - to thank - to think - to threat - to threaten - to throw - to tidy - to tie - to tighten - to tiptoe - to tire - to tolerate - to toll - to top - to tope - to touch - to tough - to train - to transfer - to transform - to translate - to transmit - to trash - to travail - to travel - to treat - to tree - to tremble - to trim - to trip - to trust - to try - to tub - to tuck - to turn - to twist - to type -
Verbes en U
to umber - to ump - to unbar - to uncover - to undergo - to underlie - to underline - to understand - to undertain - to undertake - to undo - to unpack - to up - to update - to upload - to upset - to urge - to utilize -
Verbes en V
to validate - to value - to vary - to verify - to vibrate - to vie - to visit - to void - to volunteer - to vote - to voyage -
Verbes en W
to wad - to wade - to wait - to waive - to wake - to walk - to wan - to want - to ward - to warm - to warn - to wash - to watch - to water - to wave - to wax - to waylay - to wear - to weasel - to web - to weep - to weigh - to welcome - to weld - to wend - to wet - to while - to whine - to whip - to whish - to whisper - to whore - to widen - to will - to win - to wind - to wipe - to wish - to withdraw - to witness - to wonder - to wont - to woo - to work - to worry - to wound - to write - to writhe -